The mind projects an image that the neurons direct with routine and specific pattern sequences of activating and firing off; neurons, of course, are activated by the light rays which entered the eye. The mind creates the reality we live in, dependant on micro-organisms to create organizations with run and maintain most of the bodily functions. We, as a species, have no idea how these micro organizations function, and yet they keep us alive; to note: doctors are necessary to handle issues of these micro ogranizations which they do with chemicals in medicine which aim to disturb the bodies chemical process (attacking the micro organizations) so that the micro organizations have no choice to fight or die, on the cellular level. These micro organizations are under attack, threatened with death, and fight for their lives against the doctor prescribed medicine. These doctors are not just fighting chemicals as we believe but fighting tiny kingdoms; I say kingdoms because the organization of the millions of microscopic part are performing in perfect harmony in order to carry out a selfless of plan essentially keep the human alive. Humans don't have to worry about our health, the micro organizations take that stress away for free, granted they might fail from time to time. This I believe to be usually the fault of the human mind, which follows the will and chooses not to follow common sense, which is seen in lazy people that don't work out at all, and damage their micro organizations in the process. The micro organizations were doing their part for the betterment of the universe, just like we should be putting all of our effort into running the planet. In the future, in control of earthquakes, weather, resource production, etc the human race will maintain the planets abilities as to capatilize monetary gain. Once technology is capable of controlling something such as a volcano or earthquake, companies will find ways of profiting off of it; just as they profit off of global warming, and go green organizations profit off of a surging billion dollar business. The goal of the human is to collect enough money to live comfortably by reducing or (and in millions of cases seen worldwide) eliminanating the stress of money. The stress of money is the most important goal in life, since it keeps you alive, one less stress set down and it just so happens to be heaviest bag of bricks. This results in a lack of focus on health(the micro organizations) until the monetary stress is relieved; once that is achieved many switch their attention to health, since they can afford to. The micro organizations, however, do not have that issue of greed and focus all thedir attention on working together in order to do your part ; out it this way, Humans should be fully concerned and dedicated to the organism that we survive in, planet Earth. Just as the micro organizations work tirelessly to ensure their habitat, which usually lasts about 70 years, can enjoy a healthy life, since they will benefit off it. If the heart doesn't has to worry about a shortage or clog since the human is being taken care of well on the part of the micro organizations as a whole( the human body) . The human race , just as animals do by the way, should by attempting to run the planet in the most efficient manner possible with the most advanced technology known to man controlling the planet as a mother provides for her womb. If we could do that for our planet, we would ensure we could maintain it for as long as its takes us to migrate to another planet with a longer timespan. In the future , first only the scientists would inspect a planet, determines its features and timespan, and certain people who liked to live on a planet sharing those qualities would contemplate living there. Maybe a planet is deemed more attractive for its countless days of constant perfect weather , either naturally of by the hands of the corporations which control the weather and have great enough technology that the weather performance is flawless; just like a man paying for a seaside condo expects his weather regulation to be on point, as he invests his resources regularly into making sure he is always comfortable. Just as a landlord, company, or hotel even may err in their delievery of the perfect temperature level, the companies sponsoring life on their planet may have their flaws as well. The most well maintained planets then become the new (best places to live on the world). The greediest and most famous human beings will live on the best planets, and the other 60000 trillion human beings living in common level planets. This is what happens when a bacteria enters the body; the bacteria begins as a isolated group of intelligence, which after a while (sometime days sometimes weeks) learn to adapt to their surroundings, analyze potentially growth of species present in surroundings, invade the bodies cells, extract the resources its needs to survive, and moves on to the next cell until its species grows tremendously ; in the case of cancer cells we call that death. Humans are in the beginning stages of solving the mystery of jumping onto another cell(which in out case in another life sustaining earth like planet. Once we understand how to spread out we will spread out in every direction in conquest of new earth's, and essentially suck the universe dry of its resources. Which is why the universe is constantly expanding , its an organism attempting to do its best so that the humans never run out of resources. The universe is doing its part for us, and in turn something is expending its resources to make sure that our universe has enough resources to expend; just as an ant is oblivious to our way of life since they are several levels below our intelligence and have a miniscule understanding of knowledge. We are not the peak of civilization, we are just ant in another species reality. The important note to make is that they dont just step on us as we step on ants. The universe is noble in sustaining us (just as a human sustains the life of a micro organism) and we should be following the course of reality on an infinite level which instinctively lets us know we should be caring for the planet and its inhabitants. We will be evolved enough to the point one day that all animal species are controlled by human being led institutions. The human beings by that time would have figured out how to create new planets with advanced technology and genius architects designing them. At the point when a planet can be dedicated to an animals,( the animal organization has to have enough currency, of course) the animal( which only knows a simple and happy life ) views the human corporation as God. Back in the day we had different gods, and today we have multiple Gods, but don't forget gods are just organizations of a larger, more advanced and powerful entity we rely on to sustain life; just as the birds on their specific planet pardise saw the human organization God for investing in us. Just as a bank thanks clients for investing with them , just as our dogs see us as God and will die in order to protect us; just as people fight and die everyday for the preservation and expansion of their religious following. Just as overwhelming amounts of evidence point to the fact that people constantly throughout human history have held faith in different gods. Some might say these Gods were mere myths, but when you have people putting their faith into something and dying for that faith, what's to say that doesnt sounds very different from what goes on today. These Gods were merely maintaining the human beings for a short period, doing the right thing and assisting the advancement of the human race. Eventually the Gods grew upset with the humans selfish and greedy ways, and cut their losses so that they can move on to another entity. Either that, or the human race has a tendency to create false realities; maybe once our brains evolve more we can understand the true reality in its entirety. Until then, its important to critically evaluate the faster possible method to achieving that understanding, so that one is not living the life of an ant drowned in ignorance. If this divine knowledge is possible, it would give vast understanding of the soul and our place in the universe, God or no God.
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